Hobos and Interviews

For those of you who have been on this seminary ride with me from the get-go, we are coming down to the finishing line. Almost. In April, Toby’s placement will be announced and his classes with be completed. Sometime in June or July we will move to our new place. Wherever that is.

Currently, we are interviewing with potential churches. Early this afternoon is our first interview. I was just helping Toby pick out his outfit for the interview, and my main goal is that we don’t look like hobos. (Josiah: What’s a hobo mom? Mom: A clownish homeless person. Josiah: [blank stare]. ) Tomorrow afternoon is our second and probably last interview. Yikes. That’s it. That’s all she wrote. Our next move seemingly rides on whether or not the churches and the district presidents think we are a good fit. And if we aren’t, they have to figure out another placement for us. By March 1. That leaves two weeks to decide the next 10 years – give or take – of our lives. Not what I imagined the “call process” to be like.

But today’s perfectly-timed devotional said this: Nothing that happens to us will take [God] by surprise or catch him unprepared. We need not be afraid. Our ever-faithful God is leading the way! (Moments with God, p. 43)

And now I need to set up for a preschool Valentine’s Party and quickly choose a non-hobo outfit for myself!


The Lord is the one going ahead of you. He will be with you. He won’t abandon you or leave you. So don’t be afraid or terrified. Deuteronomy 31:8



Filed under Homelife, Schoolwork, Spiritual thoughts

2 responses to “Hobos and Interviews

  1. Susan Schoenfuhs

    My how time has changed the “call” process. I think I liked it better when you knew NOTHING until placement/call night. The only ones who got the heads up were the families being sent out of the country. I loved the suspense! I didn’t need to worry about answering any questions ahead of time.

    Thank goodness God continues to work around and even through mankind’s “plans” to achieve His will. Knowing that, we are able to move beyond the nerve wracking interviews, etc. and rest comfortably in His good and perfect will. It’s always an ADVENTURE! Enjoy!

    (p.s.) We’ll be waiting to hear how it goes.

  2. My prayers are with you all, as you await the big day. Enjoy these last few weeks at the seminary. Cherish them and hold them close. And remember, many families have gone through what you are going through and they made it! God is good and He has prepared the call for you! Looking forward to celebrating with you and Toby!
    In His Grace!
    Doug Davis

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